AMD : Ryzen 7, changing the game

Ryzen 7, 5, and 3 are coming out this year, and (at the time of writing) Ryzen 7 is the only one out. The AMD marketing scheme is to create a well performing product that is at a much lower cost than it closest rival, currently, the cheapest new rx 480 on newegg is 179.99 while the cheapest new gtx 1060 6gb is 239.99 on the same site. They have done the same with the ryzen 7 by pitting it against the Intel brodwell-e lineup of high performance desktop processors. However, unlike how they priced the RX series 15-30 % cheaper for the same performance, they have cut the price of a new 8 core 16 thread processor by half, (even 2/3ds if your a frugal mofo like me!!!) It sure is a interesting time to be a computer enthusiast!

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